Saturday, July 12, 2008

Oh where, oh where has the time gone?

Time is such a strange thing. If you think about it too much, it really starts to mess with your mind. I mean if you think about how long somethings take, like say, waiting in line at the grocery store while holding a fussy baby in your arms, while trying to unload your cart and pay, it can seem like super long time. But if you think about how it just seems like yesterday it was your first day of high school or college and that was sooo sooo long ago already. Why the nostalgia? Perhaps because Claire is going to be ONE in about a week. That's insane. This year, as I reflect back on it as a whole, has absolutely FLOWN by. But if I think about little things like, the grocery store incident above, the year can seem like it's really dragged.
Yesterday at the Broad Ripple LLL one of the discussion topics was "When did you feel like talking about the 'outside' world again?" Well that's a really great question. Apparently I'm not the only Mama who would much rather talk about any and every aspect related to breastfeeding, birthing, and child-rearing instead of the gas prices or presidential campaign. Perhaps that's why we seek each other out for these meetings.
So what can Claire do now? Too much, considering last year at this time I was enormously prego and getting quite sick of it. Although I do miss the pregnancy think, like only another Mama can understand.
Last night it was still 85 at 8pm, so we didn't get a walk in. Today thunderstorms woke us up. I looked at the clock, and I SWEAR it said 7, so I was trying to pat Claire's back to get her to go back to sleep. So then she stands up in the bed and starts pulling my hair. That's when I realized it's actually not a 7, but a 9 on the clock. Yes, that makes me feel old for needing vision enhancements.

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