Claire loves to walk. This is good because it is great exercise for both of us, and we are getting fresh air and sunshine. She walks some and rides some! Today we went to Yats downtown for some yummy food...we met up with Josh's brother on his way out to Cali. Cheap, filling food, you must check it out!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
20 Months
Claire is 20 months today. Yikes. That means in exactly 4 more months...she will be 24 months or a whole 2 years old! :) How time flies...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Prayer Request
My Grandpa Vernon remains in ICU at Lutheran Hospital in Ft. Wayne after falling and breaking his neck yesterday afternoon. He was in his electric wheelchair. The wheel caught the edge of the ramp, and he fell out, landing on his head. He landed on his head and suffered damage in the C1 and C2 areas.
The neurosurgeon saw Vernon. He said he was not a surgical candidate after reviewing the chart info from mayo clinic that Arlene faxed because of all the heart problems. Vernon is insistent that he wants to leave. He wants to get out of bed, take his own pills, and not call on the call light. He is going to be wearing a hard surgical neck collar vs. a halo. The heart doctor also saw him as he was having a lot of pain probably due to stress and was started on another medication.
He will probably be in Health Care for 6-8 weeks upon returning to Timbercrest sometime next week.
Please add him to any prayer chains at your church!
The neurosurgeon saw Vernon. He said he was not a surgical candidate after reviewing the chart info from mayo clinic that Arlene faxed because of all the heart problems. Vernon is insistent that he wants to leave. He wants to get out of bed, take his own pills, and not call on the call light. He is going to be wearing a hard surgical neck collar vs. a halo. The heart doctor also saw him as he was having a lot of pain probably due to stress and was started on another medication.
He will probably be in Health Care for 6-8 weeks upon returning to Timbercrest sometime next week.
Please add him to any prayer chains at your church!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Nazi or Not? I stumbled on this cool article clicking through some other blog postings. I definitely don't like the term "Nazi" having taught German. I saw the Demotivational Poster and had to post some of my own since some of you newer readers haven't seen them yet! :)
Demotivational Posters
Ok, so you've all heard of Demotivational posters by now. They make fun of the nice, encouraging ones. So here are some I made with pictures Josh or I have taken. This is actually Claire's placenta. Pretty freaking cool, huh? It's the underside of it. The other side is smoother. If you think it's gross, don't plan on having a kid as you'll have to have one inside of you for 9 months/+ oh...and give birth to it, which is like birthing a baby...only without the bones. It still hurts coming out! ;)

I used to drink a lot of Gatorade. :( I stopped. It's got a lot of calories. I miss you, Gatorade!

Josh made this one. Make fun of it, and he will virtually destroy you. And if you've not been to our house and seen that creepy giant face on the wall and wondered what it is...Josh did this for work. The plastic face is the result of using an image based 3D-Scanner. They scanned a model, then applied an algorithm that calculated the flow and stretch of plastic. The resulting image was then printed onto a flat sheet of plastic so that when a thermoformer forms it into a 3D sign, the graphic aspect ratio is correct. Please remember that. There will be a quiz.

This is Holly. This is what she gets for taking goofy pictures of herself on my camera. I will make fun of the booger in her nose.

This is Daisy sleeping on the spare bed in my parents room. HER BED! See, this is why I don't like dogs. They think they are people. They aren't. They are just smelly canines that lick their butt and like it.

Claire jumping at about this time last year at about 7 months.

Claire in the fall of 2007 with an outfit Uncle Richie got her. I call it the "Jail baby" outfit.

We have had several sets of bunnies in our yard and flowers. I think they like to eat my tulips and daffodils. So we feed them and hope they go!

Just having fun taking pictures...this is from around Halloween time. I call this crap candy. I want real chocolate.

This is from when we lived above the flower shop. Wow..we had an awesome apartment. I miss it!
This is a LUVS diaper. Luvs luv to leak. They suck at holding in crap too. Especially if she craps from jumping in the jumper and squishes it all over. I have never had a problem with Pampers leaking. You get what you pay for I guess. And this is why I cringe at the thought of cloth diapers. I wanted to throw the outfit away, too.

I used to drink a lot of Gatorade. :( I stopped. It's got a lot of calories. I miss you, Gatorade!

Josh made this one. Make fun of it, and he will virtually destroy you. And if you've not been to our house and seen that creepy giant face on the wall and wondered what it is...Josh did this for work. The plastic face is the result of using an image based 3D-Scanner. They scanned a model, then applied an algorithm that calculated the flow and stretch of plastic. The resulting image was then printed onto a flat sheet of plastic so that when a thermoformer forms it into a 3D sign, the graphic aspect ratio is correct. Please remember that. There will be a quiz.

This is Holly. This is what she gets for taking goofy pictures of herself on my camera. I will make fun of the booger in her nose.

This is Daisy sleeping on the spare bed in my parents room. HER BED! See, this is why I don't like dogs. They think they are people. They aren't. They are just smelly canines that lick their butt and like it.

Claire jumping at about this time last year at about 7 months.

Claire in the fall of 2007 with an outfit Uncle Richie got her. I call it the "Jail baby" outfit.

We have had several sets of bunnies in our yard and flowers. I think they like to eat my tulips and daffodils. So we feed them and hope they go!

Just having fun taking pictures...this is from around Halloween time. I call this crap candy. I want real chocolate.

This is from when we lived above the flower shop. Wow..we had an awesome apartment. I miss it!

This is a LUVS diaper. Luvs luv to leak. They suck at holding in crap too. Especially if she craps from jumping in the jumper and squishes it all over. I have never had a problem with Pampers leaking. You get what you pay for I guess. And this is why I cringe at the thought of cloth diapers. I wanted to throw the outfit away, too.
demotivational posters,
Our little Famous G33K
CLAIRE is FAMOUS! Ok, not really, but among the ThinkGeek website, she is! Click here to see her picture that made it on their website under their "customer action shots" In case you wonder what the mat says, it explains it here: Oh wait, it doesn''s just your home IP address. So the mat says, no place like home, which most, err, ALL, l33t g33k5 would know. :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Come Back!
So this is from a couple weekends ago when my parents visited. Then they went to Aruba for 10 days and didn't take us with them. Bastards. Actually not really. They deserve a break. ESPECIALLY because my mom came here on her weekend off, watched Claire, and folded 2 weeks worth of laundry. AND put all of Claire's stuff away! I have no issues running the laundry through. It's just the folding and putting away that I get behind on. There aren't enough hours in the day. I'd rather blog or read blogs...etc! So now I've been saving up laundry for the past two weeks. My mom may be coming not this weekend, but next. I wonder...maybe if I just pick my undies out of the clean baskets of clothes if we can get by without folding/putting away for another week and a half...hmm...see...this is why I don't do disposable diapers full time. I would just want to throw them the few I have are NEVER clean! :)
Here is Claire with Creepy Kitty! Mew. Mew. Mew. (Blinks eyes and turns head slowly...)
Easter Egg Tree
Let's go on a walk with Claire!
Oh wait! We have to knock on the door's a door! She also has to knock on any doors she sees in her books. (This is my new header.)

Now let's stomp on Mommy's budding flowers and weeds...well it's ok to stomp on the weeds!

Claire loves to look at the Easter Egg tree that I decorated! She keeps saying "Ball!" She will also grab any she can and try to run away with her treasure.

Wow. Here her legs look unusually long in this photo! Hopefully she won't be wearing 36 inch inseam jeans by the time she's in 9th grade like I was. It's so not fun to find non-flood water pants...Tall Girl here we come!

In case you are wondering why one of the "eggs" is black, it's because the Easter Eggs are actually in the shape of jelly beans if you look at some of them closely. You can tell better in person as you get the 3-D effect.

Now let's stomp on Mommy's budding flowers and weeds...well it's ok to stomp on the weeds!
Claire loves to look at the Easter Egg tree that I decorated! She keeps saying "Ball!" She will also grab any she can and try to run away with her treasure.
Wow. Here her legs look unusually long in this photo! Hopefully she won't be wearing 36 inch inseam jeans by the time she's in 9th grade like I was. It's so not fun to find non-flood water pants...Tall Girl here we come!
In case you are wondering why one of the "eggs" is black, it's because the Easter Eggs are actually in the shape of jelly beans if you look at some of them closely. You can tell better in person as you get the 3-D effect.
Here is Claire waving to you as we get ready to set out on our walk! HI!
Aww! She looks so sweet and innocent!
"Oh look! A rock on the sidewalk! How incredibly interesting! I must point and stare!"

Claire is mastering walking up and down 1 or 2 steps without holding somebody's hand. This is really awesome when you think she's only been walking since September. She also likes to hold my hand and walk upright up the stairs in our house, but this step is nice and shallow...what a good practice step.
Claire is mastering walking up and down 1 or 2 steps without holding somebody's hand. This is really awesome when you think she's only been walking since September. She also likes to hold my hand and walk upright up the stairs in our house, but this step is nice and shallow...what a good practice step.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Claire's Calculator
Ok, so if you don't normally view the blog online and you're just in your feed-reader, you need to view online! I have a really cute new background. Yay! Also, I want to tell you about Claire's new lovey. It's not her bear or doll or little books that she loves too, but it's her "calc." She LOVES her calculator. I don't know why. But it's really funny to see her talk on it. It's about the size and shape of my blackberry and has buttons to press that change the screen. The best doesn't make any noise. YAY! But, I've been ticked lately because random adults seem to think it's not hers. AND THEY TRY TO TAKE IT FROM HER. What the heck! You can see the calculator in the picture at the top of the page now. The first person that tried to take it from her was when we got church pictures taken. The lady was like, "What do you mean, that's hers? We have one just like it." I was like, "Um, see the back has our name on it." GRR! I hate how she seemed to jump to the conclusion that I let her grab one off of one of their tables to play with. I have to post the rest later. I need to go to bed!
Happy St. Patty's Day! :)
Another GORGEOUS DAY! :) We have spent a lot of time outside walking lately! I'm afraid that my stroller wheels are getting really worn out. Although Claire likes walking so much now that I am *thinking* maybe I can just bring the sling and leave the stroller at home. She can ride in the sling when she gets tired. So here are some fun photos for you!
Here is Claire trying to make her baby eat her Flintstone's Vitamin with Iron. She gets her iron through the Flintstones now.
Look closely, you can see the vitamin dropping from her hand. *love the camera*
Here is Claire trying to make her baby eat her Flintstone's Vitamin with Iron. She gets her iron through the Flintstones now.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Loving her Car
Quick...Enter the Contest Ok, so I probably shouldn't link her blog because then my chances of winning will be reduced...but I like to share the wealth! She has lots of contests but they usually end fairly soon after she posts them so sign her up in your feed reader! So go enter that one NOW!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Math and Science Careers
The real reason why women are not as highly represented as men in math and science of course...
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