Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Octuplets Born

Have you heard about the Octuplets born recently? That is 8 babies at one time! There are a couple videos on that site that you might be interested in watching...if you are interested in babies! Some people think that she's trying to imitate Angelina Jolie by having several children. I think my blogging buddy Amy did a pretty good job discussing her thoughts on the topic, so I'm going to link her here: Hope you don't mind, Amy! She feeds her baby sand! :) back a few's a funny story. I totally agree that nobody should tell anybody they can or can't have kids. Yes, Hitler was a fan of that...and interestingly enough, this article arose today. Um, wow.,1518,606323,00.html This guy is claiming that the holocaust didn't happen. WTF? I normally wouldn't say wtf, but that deserves a wtf!

In other happenings, Claire was a big fan of the drinkable yogurt this morning, along with oranges, grapes, and some grape juice for lunch (do you know where this is going?), so needless to say we had a little accident this afternoon. And I do say WE as it was totally my fault that I gave her so much of that kind of food. I was just excited she was eating it. So for dinner she had chicken and cheese. Then for a bedtime snack she had some banana. I hear that cheese and bananas do the opposite of grape jucie! :) In other news, this morning, I woke up and was happy to step on the scale and see I'd lost some more weight. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this as admitting that I've lost weight is like announcing that I've gained too much in the first place. BUT now I've lost 20 lbs since X-mas and have managed to work out 5 days/week for the past 3 weeks. We joined a gym, and I've been doing weights, the elliptical, swimming, and power-walking on the treadmill with hand weights in between. Today I REALLY overdid it. My legs are killing me as I tried running for a bit...yes I can beat you! :) But I think I need to back down and not try running quite so soon after being so sedentary for all of Nov, Dec, and most of Jan. I was doing daily walks, but then it got cold and yucky! I did manage to get a walk around the neighborhood with Claire and the neighbors this week...without a jacket...a little strange for Feb! I also signed up for a Mommy and Me Swim Class at the gym we joined that starts this Friday, and while not Cardio or strength training, definitely a good healthy habit, and I LOVE swimming and walking. I had so much energy when I was in HS and in sports throughout swimming, track, cross-country, and basketball...somehow I had time to do seasonal Powder Puff football. And I thought it was fun to roller-blade and bike in my spare time...not to mention jumping on the trampoline and all the yard work I used to do! Now we have a small yard. And I took dance lessons my senior year of HS...I sucked, but I thought it was fun! Haha...I remember Josh coming to watch...I bet he had a ball seeing all the girls wearing basically tights and leotards! SO I need to get back into all these healthy habits! My best birthday present to myself though was putting on a pair of jeans I had bought shortly before I got pregnant with Claire and being able to zip them! They looked great! And since I had been prego...then had not lost any weight, I had barely worn them! So hopefully my body will remember my healthy remember in HS in the summers I would go to swimming from 6-8, then open gym for Basketball from 9-11 then mow lawns for my dads apartments! No wonder I could eat everything on the face of this planet and stay thin! And activities back then were usually semi-active like mini-golfing at Wright's Barnyard, bowling at Inmans and/or running around playing laser tag there, going up to the Dunes to hike up Mt. Baldy, or just running around somebody's yard playing kick-the-can. Or the other thing I would do would be to rollerblade FROM OUR HOUSE out to Lakewood and back. That is a hike! I need to measure that in the car next time I'm home! THEN I would blade around all the Hills on Lakewood's property with Daisy Dog! What fun that was! Now Daisy is all old. I want to get a bike seat that I can put on my bike and take Claire on bike rides, but I can't decide if I should get one that attaches on the front or back of my bike OR try to use this one that I snagged at garage sale last summer ... but now I need to go to bed as Claire will be waking me up all too early tomorrow. So I've lost 20 lbs and would like to lose at least 15 more by Holly's wedding in April. I think that's a good goal. And I would like to eventually get back down to my HS weight...Is that even possible? LOL! Well...anyway...I should start running marathons or something like my sister Holly. I think that's probably why a lot of people run helps to have a "reason" to get fit. I also started trying to eat more organic foods as part of my New Years Resolution....and that means cutting out all the MSG and HFCS. I actually used to get really bad migraines until I started food journaling about 5 years ago. MSG was a huge trigger for me. I can still tell if we go out to eat, and I had something with MSG in it. It's a very specific kind of head-ache. And HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is just evil. It supposedly has hydrochloric acid in it. I need to read up more on that...but for now, good night!

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