Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Outfit

So you've seen the red Santa outfit, the adorable plaid outfit, and now here is Claire's Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas sweater outfit paired with some black/red overalls. She also has a green dress with gingerbread men I will need to post sometime soon. There are simply not enough days to wear all these outfits! This is what we call Claire's Zoolander look. If you haven't seen the movie, please don't. It sucks. ;)

Claire has been having a blast with the little shopping cart that Oma and Opa got her for Thankmas! She likes to put her babies in in it and push them around.

She has been trying to pull it backwards with some minor success!

She also enjoys talking the toys in and out several times. We call her 2 carebears her "babies" since she calls them such.

Among other exciting news: Claire can now say not only "cookie" but pairs it with "more cookie." She does this with sign and speech, sometimes either - or OR both. She is using more, no, hi, and bye with other words for her first 2-word combinations. Like, "Hi, Mama, Hi!" Or "Bye, Dada, Bye." She also likes to say hi to her nummies as apparently they take on their own personality in the importance of her life. "Hi, Nummy, Hi!" It's really funny!
She also likes to bring me my Baby Bjorn when she sees me getting my shoes on. This guarantees her that she is going to come with me! Yes, I wear her out to the car! This leaves my hands free for keys, my phone, etc! And I don't have to put it on in the freezing cold parking lot whenever I get where I'm going. This time of year, I really like it as the carts are cold even if they are in the entrance-way of the stores!
She is also saying "teeth." She LOVES to brush her teeth. Yay. Let's keep it like that.

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