Saturday, June 5, 2010

Smashing Good Times

I shut the back hatch of my SUV on my phone. Now the screen looks like this:

SOOOOOOOO good times...the only phone I've had that would have had any resale value. Amazingly, it still lights up, but not enough to be able to use it!!! My plan was up in a few days anyway. MEANWHILE...if you need to get ahold of me...use Facebook or email me. BLARGH! They say you're more likely to be accident prone if you're tired. SO TRUE!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Let's go on a Walk!

Sometimes I forget that Claire is still two and will be for about 2 more months. But then she does something like this, and I remember she's still little!

See! She looks so big and is so incredibly verbal. Today she started saying "otherwise" and used it right 3 do they do this stuff?

She is wearing size 10 flip-flops. This dress is a size 6 and doesn't even look overly long. She has had a growth spurt recently. Hopefully she'll slow down again and get to actually wear out some clothes for a change! Er...ever. She's never been in anything long enough to just wear it out!

And here's Alex in a "Pink Floyd" top. Seriously...who makes this stuff for babies? It's a newborn size and was very hard to get on him and even harder to get off. This was about a week ago when it was cooler, but he was measuring 23 inches at his 2 week check. He's now pushing the limits on most 3-6's his length! But he is also plumping up nicely and is a great nurser!

These pants are 3-6 month size.

And here's a close-up of his shirt!