Thursday, June 25, 2009

Laundry Time

Claire loves to help me empty the dryer! She also likes to play with the things in there, too, of course! She has been emptying the dryer for me for about a month now. :) HEHE. It takes here about 10 minutes because she will stop to play with things but it's 10 mintues I can get something else done! I was trying to get her to empty it faster for the video, but normally she will empty it and then slam the dryer door really hard and go "ALL DONE! MORE!" Ahh...if only she would continue this love forever! If you listen torwards the end she says "Strawberry Shortcake" as one of her shirts has strawberries on it.
Check her out in action:

Girl Who Does Not Age

Check out this fascinating article on a girl who does not age: Watch the video on the site. VERY interesting!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Playing in the Pool!

Yesterday Claire and I had a nice outing on the local trail in town. My friend Anja commented that being a stay-at-home mom is like being on vacation everyday. I totally agree. :) LOL. I have had people say to me that they tried staying at home but couldn't because they got bored. PLEASE! Even though I "stay" at home, we are always out and about doing stuff. Today we had an outing to some friends' house to play in their pool.
Claire had a blast swimming in the water and being able to splash since I don't let her splash in the tub. She will ask to splash in the tub by saying, "Spash, YES?!" She leaves out the "L" so it is really cute. I think she was also in admiration of Izzy's pretty hair!

This was the perfect size pool for her, and she was even able to get in and out without any help! Those long legs help her out! Claire had fun playing with some other kids! We had a good outing and Claire slept the whole way home and then some! :) She fell asleep by the time we backed out of the driveway!

Spa Night!

The Moms Club I am part of did a Spa Night for this month's "Mom's Night Out." It was really fun. Here is Icely with her mask:
And here is my mask. Anyone have any good "Superhero" name suggestions for me? LOL!
There are several more pictures on one of my albums on Facebook. I don't feel like uploading them again here to Blogger. If you aren't my friend on Facebook; add me. If you aren't on Facebook, GET ON IT! :) kthnxbai! :) If you've been following my blog and haven't said HI in awhile or are new, leave a comment and introduce yourself!

Yay for Babysitters!

Well I am really grateful that my mom and Rich were able to come down for the weekend and help out. So in return, we took them out for brunch on Sunday.
Apparently the color of the day was: GREEN!

Claire also turned 23 months on Sunday! Wow...her bday is getting closer and closer!

Weekend with Oma and Richie

My mom and my brother Richie came down for the weekend to help out. My mom watched Claire while we had the sale and Richie helped out all around! They brought down this cool little trike for Claire that my Dad found at ... a GARAGE SALE! YAY!
Rich was teaching Claire how to pedal. She kept talking about it all the next day. "Uncle Richie! PEDAL! BIKE! Uncle Richie! Pedal!"

Notice how clean the garage is in the back ground! WOOT WOOT! :)

Claire really likes her new toy!

Claire loves to play in this rug...she likes to roll up in it like a taco!

Josh and I went out for dinner Saturday evening while my mom and Richie watched Claire.

Richie made some awesome mac and cheese for those not going out to eat.

Ahh. How I miss my little girlie when I'm not with her!

Cheese! Do you think she looks like me?

Happy Father's Day!

After Claire wakes up from her naps on weekends, she likes to snuggle with Daddy or Mommy!
Happy 2nd Father's Day to my Baby's Daddy! :) Lol!

Aww! She looks so cute! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Claire had a fun week last week at Vacation Bible School or VBS. We hung out in the nursery with the under 2 crowd between the opening and closing "jam sessions."
Playing with sand inside was really fun for Claire until she started flinging it off the Neat Sheet. SO we picked it up since she was the only one that would play with it. Nobody else was interested in it.

Here is one shot with all whooping 4 participants.

I put more photos on Facebook if you want to see them.

She had a blast with this register toy, but it was really annoying because it made noise.

So we had a busy week last week between getting ready for the garbage sale and the VBS events. Seriously. I had a garbage sale. I refuse to ever have a storage bin. If it has been in a box for 3 months, I don't need it. If I forgot I had it, I don't need it. LOL. SO SICK of stuff! I now have a pantry and closets that have space. I took four more bags to the Goodwill yesterday morning and one bag to a consignment store in town. Sure, I COULD get more on Ebay, but I'm so done with that too. Again...hating to deal with stupid people.


Oh dear blog readers,
How I've missed you...not really! I haven't had time! So since my last post I was just cleaning and cleaning and de-crappifying my house. It's great. Welcome to my crap-free zone! Actually, it's still full of crap, but it's at least a LOT LESS! We made about 100 bucks on selling our old crap. Everyone wanted to know. We also sold a crappy TV for about 50 bucks ... so we could say 150. I suppose we could've sold everything on Craigslist or Ebay, which we have done before, but it's work. But a garage sale is a lot more work. I decided to open my garage door on Friday morning to "set up" things. Well that was great...made about 20 bucks on Friday as well. Sold a pool with a hole for 2 bucks! LOL. Anyway, about 1 pm on Saturday, I was getting hot and tired of stupid questions. So I started setting things out to the curb. MAN was it hilarious watching the trash pickers. But seriously, a lady asked me what a book was about. I told her to read the back. Seriously. Buy it and read it yourself. :)
I was also majorly irritated by all the people that pranced their dogs into my garage. I HATE DOGS. Well, let me qualify that. I hate dogs when they get into my personal zone. I do not want their nasty wet little noses on my legs. I do not want them within 10 feet of me or my child. I was also majorly grossed out by a lady paying me with a bag of dog crap waving in front of my face. I was sitting down in the lawn chair and so it was just the right level. Seriously. I'm glad she picked that stuff up but seriously...going garage sale-ing with that. What is wrong with some people.
LOL...on the plus side Josh saw someone picking and offered to load all the garage sale leftovers into the back of his truck. SWEET. We didn't even have to take it to the Goodwill.
Remind me to never have a garage sale again.
My first garage sale here.