Thursday, October 16, 2008
First Cold is going away
And here she is quacking and hooting:
I ordered her a new hat and some mittens in preparation for the cold weather. Think they are cute?
Toxic Water
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Visit to Timbercrest
I trucked on up to the Fort Wayne area to visit my Grandparents, Claire's GREAT-grandparents, and have Claire meet her Great-Aunt Winnie and Great-Uncle Bob for the first time ever! My Grandparents live in a retirement village called Timbercrest which is in a little town outside of Fort Wayne. According to the GPS it's only 86 miles from here to there.
Here am I holding Claire and trying not to notice all the bees flying around the flowers. Yikes. Winnie and Bob cute!!
Here is Winnie and Vernon. Winnie looks like my Great-Grandma Adeline, who passed when I was in 8th grade, but I can remember pretty well.
We are in one of the lounges in Timbercrest. We decided to go down there because their apartment was totally not baby-proof. She was pulling all their books and CDs off their shelves. She's our little destroyer.
L-R seated: Bob, Winnie, Vernon, LaVerne. Standing: Arlene, Maria and Claire. Good job to my dad...I don't think he was in a single picture all day, although he took several, like this one!
Ahh. I did capture my dad on the video camera.
Breastfeeding Challenge 2008
Here Claire is playing with Maureen. It was held at the Starbucks on 96th and Allisonville.
Here is Katie and Kira and her daughter. Kira organized the event. Yay!
Seated: Sara, Patty holding Molly. On floor: Maureen, Averie, and Eli. It was a decent turn-out in the end, and we all had fun! And that's the most important part!
What a difference a year makes!
Claire has figured out to take bites out of stuff. I think now that her top two lateral incisors (the fangs!) are almost all the way in, it makes it easier. I also discovered her bottom two 1-year old molars have broken through the gums when I was brushing her teeth last Friday. I was thinking that's why she's been waking up a lot more at night and a little more clingy during the day.
Amanda and Alex stopped by to see their favorite little Clairesey! :)
Last week was very busy. Monday we walked with Dianne and Christoph around our neighborhood and then had them in to play. Tuesday we went to the Eastside LLL meeting, which is always fun. Then we went to Daddy's work and showed off her new walking skills. Then we went to a little Mexican place for lunch. Later that evening, Claire and I *tried* babysitting for Catrece. Sorry Christy :(!!! On Wednesday we had Nathan and Kelly over. Nathan is the same age as Claire. It's fun to see how different kids the same age have changed in the past year. Thursday we went to story time and then played at the library. I would love to take daily pictures and blog more but this whole feeding her solids three times a day is about an hour process each meal. Then by the time I groom/change/bathe her daily and put her down for naps, there's no day left if we go anywhere or do anything. (Wait...the mention of grooming her and putting her down make her sound like she's a cat...a very old sick cat if it needs putting down.) Then on Friday we went to the Broad Ripple LLL and out to Panera for lunch. Yummers! :)
I've resorted to bathing her in the sink again, mostly because it's just super convenient after she smears her dinner all over herself, but also because she keeps standing up in the tub and I'm after she's going to fall and crack her head on the spigot. She's never tried standing up in the sink...yet.
Look at how tiny she was last October for Richie's birthday weekend at only 2.5 months old. Oh, what a difference a year makes!
Now look at her! She walks and talks! At the end of this one you can her her quacking and saying turtle. I will get her making monkey noises and mooing posted soon. Too cute!