Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sweet Dreams to My Sweet Baby Girl
Welcome to the World of Junk Food!
Of course she still had to break it up and play with it, too! It's part of the experience!
A Chat with Pooh!
Happy Halloween!
I wonder what they are going to do for X-mas this year!!! I only took pictures of this one other house, but it seems like more and more people are decorating for Halloween every year.
I love Kellymom
And cow's milk is obviously, um, for cows...but here is some interesting data on baby food calories, etc and
Now I just need to find the breastfed babies charts and plot her growth on those!
Always Question The Doctor's Advice
Oh. And the doctor told me some people make cream for breastmilk and some people make skim milk. Um. Right...
I found what I was looking for. Basically I was wondering if nursing would decrease her appetite for solids. Well according to this, it doesn't: So that's good info to know!
And I think I like this article too: ... note this from that site:
Some toddlers are eating very few solids, or even no solids, at 12 months. This
is not unusual and really depends on your child - there is quite a big
variation. We like to see breastmilk making up the majority (around 75%) of
baby's diet at 12 months. Some babies will be taking more solids by 12
but others will still be exclusively or almost-exclusively breastfed
at this
point. It is normal for baby to keep breastmilk as the primary part
of his diet
up until 18 months or even longer. An example of a nice gradual
increase in
solids would be 25% solids at 12 months, 50% solids at 18
months, and 80% solids
at 24 months.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Failure to Thrive
So she's basically too busy to eat in my opinion. She would rather smash, throw, smush, smear, and whatever else you can possibly do with food than eat it. She'll taste it, but spit it back out for the most part. She likes to feed Josh, me, or anyone else who's near. She fed some random old lady when we visited Timbercrest and walked by and said HI while we were eating. She fed her Cheerios to Oma during Deanna and James's wedding. Oma really didn't want them, but Claire insisted, and it kept her quiet. Claire, not Oma. Oma knows how to be quiet. :)
So my doctor told me to start giving her whole cow's milk. I think that would be great if 1. she were a baby cow or 2. she would actually do more with a sippy cup than break them. Doctor also told me to give her Pediasure to help with weight gain. I don't think the idea is to fatten her up, but even her out? Maybe I should put a brick on her head during the day as my dad used to say to stunt her growth. Then her weight would be fine. :)
Failure to thrive, even if Mild, seems like a harsh diagnosis to someone who has always been in the 90s for percentiles or over. I was reading about it all afternoon usually it's diagnosed in the first year, not after. BUT apparently if they drop more than 2 % in the weight category, they fall into the failure to thrive. I was discussing this on some Cafe Mom boards and everyone said kids will eat what they'll eat. Several of them have tried to fatten up their kids, but it didn't work anyway.
I also hesitate to start her on milk as I was allergic to milk while I was young and really wanted to wait longer. She's been fine on other dairy items. like yogurt and cottage cheese, but I think straight cow milk is different.
I was also reading a bunch of other stuff and I think she is a very very slow eater and a very very picky eater. I always start her eating before us and she eats until everything is all cleaned up and put away! She also wasn't eating solids until right about a year old. Also, someone on CM (Cafe Mom) pointed out that if she didn't start taking solids until 12 months, she's really eating solids like an 8 month old would.
Also, like WIKI said, it's not really "failing" to thrive, it's more of a slow weight gain. When I think of Failure to Thrive, I think of some isolated baby in an Orphanage in Russia (or someplace remote) who is only held to be taken to changed and only propped with a bottle. :( YIKES.
Needless to say, we fed Claire a lot of food today. And then some candy... she ate a mini-kitkat, and a mini-Reese-cup, and a sucker. I hope she doesn't get sick, but man, did she love it ;) Her first taste of REAL people candy!
So tell me I'm not a horrible mother? Thanks. ;)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Breastfed Babies are Better Behaved
Then and Now
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Let's Play!
James and Deanna's Wedding
My cousin Mark, my Uncle Victor, and my Aunt Lynn. We all sat at the same table together.
Claire is trying to give her cousin Abby her spoon. Yay for sharing! :)
My mom, Arlene, and my dad, Will at the wedding.
I think they were trying to give each other a kiss here. Or just smell each other?
My cousin Sharon, her husband Bob, and their daughter, Abby who is 20 months.
Deanna and James Hawlish getting their yummy food.
Cousins Abby and Colin (2 1/2) give each other a hug while Claire looks on.
My other favorite baby carrier: The OVER THE SHOULDER BABY HOLDER. I like this one as it's a portable hammock and she can nurse and sleep in this one.
Betty Wagner--LLL founder died
15 month milestones
I found this pretty decent list I was checking for 15 month milestones. Wow. She is 1 and 1/4 already! Seems like she's on track for everything. Yay! It's amazing to think back to last year at this time! And I know next year at this time she'll be talking up a storm because she already is! I also learned at the Breastfeeding/Parenting conference that it is normal for kids to first start saying a word by only say the first or last constant of it. So I'm thinking she's probably saying more than I'll list here, but these are words I can pick out as she says them regularly.
Words she can say:
- Hi-Hi
- Bye-Bye, Buh-Bye
- ni-ni
- up-up
- Go
- Ca! (Car)
- Bow (we use clear tape hehe)
- Baby/Boy/Girl--uses these for babies/kids indiscriminately but at least everyone is not BABY anymore
- Mama for adult females
Mommy for me! :) She is saying this more than Mama or Mom :) - Dada for all adult males
- Daddy for Josh or Dad
- Baby Claire! She will say this when we watch her videos or look in the mirror! She thinks baby is part of her name ;)
- Ou! (out of highchair, carseat, etc)
- Alk! (walk, while pushing on stroller)
- Baby Girl (for her dolly)
- Mwah! (Kissy noise while giving kiss!)
- Dtop! (drop)
- Row! (for throw, a favorite thing to do to food while in highchair)
- duck
- turtle
- giggle
- gaggle (although she has no idea what a gaggle of geese are, I'm sure. we're trying to teach her google now ;) teehee)
- book
- Mah! (More!)
- Bobbi (for her Baby Carebear...when she first was trying to say Baby for anything with eyes and it has stuck)
- Di-di for diaper
- Ba! (for ball and balloons...loves to point at Balloons at the store when we go the floral dept!)
- Mo! (For her elMO toy)
- Nummies for nursing/wanting to nurse or (i-wan-nummas...I swear it sounds like a complete sentence!)
- Nom-nom, num-num for food
- moo
- baa
- quack
- pants like a dog
- sniffs like bunny
- snorts like pig (more guttural)
- hoots like a monkey
We are working on other animal sounds. Like Clucking for chickens, but she keeps quacking...and fishy lips for fish, but she then wants to give us kisses! Other new things since her 1st bday:
She's had MnMs (I didn't give them to her. I was at Bible Study. She stood up in my lap, reached halfway across the table, and crammed one in her mouth faster than I'd realized what had happened! I was freaking out, waiting for her to choke, but then a little smile spread across her face as she discovered the joy that is chocolate. So then she proceeded to eat about a dozen of them, one at at time. She loved them, and it kept her silent!)
She can push her stroller, highchair, and little car (that used to be her walker, but we converted) around the house. Sometimes she'll put her bear or doll in them when she pushes them. It's so cute! And I didn't even show her that! She came up with that on her own!
She can give Eskimo kisses (rub noses). Josh came up with this, and she caught on immediately. Now if she could just learn to pick up toys that fast...
She can run! She can crawl up our stairs really fast and step out the front door without crawling down the step (it's really shallow).
She can follow directions really well like if I tell her to go get a toy or book, follow me, go to the changing table, follow me to the mailbox, get on the bed, go to her highchair, etc! Of course she can be a stinker sometimes and thinks it's hilarious to run the opposite way...
She can also get on and off of her little chairs that go to her little tables!
Ok...that's all I can think of for now...I'm sure there's more!
Getting to know me some more!
1. Do you like blue cheese? NO
2. Have you ever smoked? No, I'll pass on the cancer, thanks.
3. Do you own a gun? nope
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? cherry
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? no
6. What do you think of hot dogs? will not eat them. yuck.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water
9. Can you do push-ups? Yep
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Engagement ring/ Wedding band
11. Favorite hobby? reading
12. Do you have A.D.D.? Look! A chicken! What? no.
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? too judgemental
14. Middle name? Joy
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? why is facebook msging requiring entering words?, wow, claire's outfit totally doesn't match, i really should be going to the store instead of doing this silly quiz
16. Favorite main dish? Sketti
17. Current worry? none
18. Currently hate right now? weeds/yardwork
19. Favorite place to be? sleeping
20. How did you bring in the New Year? at home
21. Where would you like to go? Greece
22. Name three people who will complete this? Me, Myself, and I
23. Do you own slippers? yes
24. What shirt are you wearing? a nasty orange Halloween shirt.
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? sure! get me some for Xmas
26. Can you whistle? yes
27. Favorite color? lilac
28. Red or white wine? whatever is sweeter
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? depends on the mood
30. Favorite girl’s name? Claire
31 Favorite Boy's name? Joshua!
32 What's in your pocket right now? I don' t have pockets right now
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Claire
34. Worst injury you ever had? Childbirth aftermath. You push a baby out of you know where and you tell me it's not going to rip?!?
35. Do you love where you live? most of the time
36. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
37. Who is your loudest friend? HOLLY!
38. Do you have any pets? HELLZ no...and NEVER again!
39. Does someone have a crush on you? JOSH!
40. Your favorite book(s)? Cavebear series!
41. Favorite Sports Team? what are sports?
42. What song do you want played at your funeral? "Only the Good Die Young!"
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Six Flags Great America Theme Park
Here are my cousins Erich (sunglasses) and Evan getting ready to go on the big drop ride. WHEE!
Here is my brother David dressed for the weather. During the winter I wish I could grow facial hair to keep my face warmer. Now wouldn't that be something. :)
My cousin Krissy holding Claire while waiting for others.
So my dad and I went on the Raging Bull together. We waited nearly 2 hours. It was so not worth it. I WILL NEVER again go to a theme park on a Saturday. Even if it is only 50 degrees out, other people will be there.
Here is my mom walking with Claire. I found an awesome monkey leash at Target. She has a monkey on her back! Who-who-who! She loves her monkey!
My mom and Claire. Claire wasn't too sure of the horse. We actually ended up sitting on the wooden benches for the ride. The horses were ice cold. I dressed Claire really warmly, of course! She had on thick tights, a warm onesie, a one-piece thicker outfit so her tummy wouldn't be exposed, then warm tennis shoes, a hat, mittens, and a thick coat. I wish I would've worn tights! I froze. She always felt toasty, though!
My dad posing with Claire on the carousel that played horrible rap music.
Josh and I. D'oh. My eyes are shut. Oh well. Can't always get a good shot of everyone.
Ok, so here I messed up this picture, too. Bad, MARIA! BAD! I was actually on the phone with my brother David as we were trying to meet up. Going to a theme park with that many people was confusing! My mom asked a cotton candy boy to take our picture. So there he was juggling the cotton candy on one arm and a camera in the other. Then my mom decided to buy one. But then we had forgotten we had paid for one since nobody really wanted it anyway. So then he kept saying pink or blue for like 10 minutes. Ok, maybe not 10 minutes, but several times. I'm surprised he just didn't leave. Nobody probably would've noticed!
Mary Ann Cahill
Blogging in Spurts
We go in this week for her 15 month check-up! I can't wait to see how she's grown!
My Night Off
Josh made some videos to prove his aweseome-ness in being in charge! He even got Claire to eat 1/2 container of food and some pizza! WOW:
He even took a video of her playing in the bath, which I decided not to post for modesty reasons. And here she is all dressed in her jammies, complete with onesie! GO DADDY! She loves to brush her teeth:
The last video I had of her brushing was a white toothbrush with a chunky handle. I got this Snoopy one and find it's much easier to use! I also got some Flossers for kids. It says on the package you should floss your kids teeth until they are 10 before they can do a good job of it. Yikes. Well I guess it's a small price to pay for never having cavities. Oh, and tonight I discovered her 4th molar is coming in. SO that makes for 6 teeth coming in and 4 totally in. THAT IS 10 TEETH! We are half-way to having all our baby teeth!
Josh did a great job. I was very impressed she was not only bathed, but in her jammies, and teeth brushed when I got home! Thank you, Josh! :) Sorry I doubted you ;)