One year ago today, Claire was 3 weeks old, as seen below. One year ago today, my dad's mom, my
Oma Irma passed away. :( She and Claire never got to meet in person.
One year ago today, Claire had a little infant acne going on, and she also had a lot of darker hair. Somewhere about month 4, it started falling out and by month 6 she was a baldy.
I still can't believe how fast she grew. She now has 4 teeth. Look at the difference in hair color!
A mere fluke, it looks like Claire is signing "I love you." However, she can sign for milk, more, and eat. She waves bye-bye, gives kisses, blows kisses, plays peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake, and give hugs. There are a lot of other things she imitates, but these are all things I've notice her repeatedly initiating.
She isn't walking alone, but cruising well, and able to climb up all the stairs with us walking behind her. She can also climb up onto the couch and soft chairs alone. She now can pull up against anything, like just the walls or against anything semi-tallish. Her new thing is climbing on top of packs of
TP when they are on the kitchen floor when we unload the car after shopping. I imagine that they are nice and bouncy.
In the video below, Daddy is helping Claire walk. She is still pretty wobbly, but she has stood alone for a few seconds now before sitting down. Any day now... Also, notice you can see her hair really good in this one because of the way the light is. It's really light hair!!!