Friday, September 25, 2009
Major Suckage
Growing Girl
World Breastfeeding Picnic Celebration
Claire had fun with her friends and got to go to Amelia's 2nd birthday party the same day! It was a busy day! As you can see in the picture, she was pretty much done for the evening. :( She had a short nap on Sunday and was ready for bed at about 7!
Does this mean Claire still nurses even though I'm pregnant...oh yes! I am already tandeming! She is really down to morning, nap, and bed, and if she gets hurt. Sometimes if she falls asleep in the stroller or carseat, she has even done without her naptime session. I'm glad to be able to continue to provide her with this style of mothering and plan on letting her continue until she self weans because she obviously already is weaning if you consider how many times she nursed as a's a gradual process.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
God's Promise
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Something in my butthole.
Claire new favorite song to listen to in the car is Savage Garden's "I WANT YOU." An oldie, but a goodie. Check out the music video if you haven't seen it in awhile:
She will say "Mommy make louder! Mommy play "chica cherry!" Mommy start over!" She loves it!
Today Claire was saying, "Mommy my butt hurt. Mommy someting in my butthole." So I thought she had pooped her pants. Nope. Or maybe was TRYING to poop. Nope. She had a giant wedgie. I said, "Claire! You have a wedgie." So she goes, "What's my wedgie?" Yes, important things to learn. I explained wedgies are when clothes go in your buttcrack not into your butthole...ahh...fine
Last night we had grilled cheese and soup. She was eating with a baby spoon. She wanted a big spoon. So she goes. "Mommy, I wanta different spoon. This spoon sucks." Yes, she said sucks. It was actually pretty funny.