Friday, September 12, 2008
Claire's New Words
Her current favorite food is cottage cheese, shredded cheese, and kidney beans. She also likes peanut butter a lot. Other than these items, she really likes tomato stuff, like sketti, lasagna, and chili. We still haven't introduced cow's milk. I don't plan on it until she's 18-24 months as there is no need since she is still getting Magical Mama's Milky. Also, my hope is to avert any milk allergies since I was allergic to milk growing up. We didn't introduce any dairy at all until 12 months. For about 2 weeks, she would let me feed her up to about 2 oz. of the YoBaby yogurt, but now she won't let me feed her anything unless it's something naughty, like a bit of ice cream. At least she is starting to like more and more things, although she is still not a huge fan of solids, she isn't completely rejecting them anymore.
At the moment, Claire is sitting on my lap, playing with my Blackberry. She finds it great fun, as she loves pressing buttons. (It's locked.) She has also figured out how to turn on some of her electronic toys. YIKES. When the batteries die, we may just have to wait a long time to replace them.
My Stance on Co-Sleeping
Harvard psychiatrist Michael Commons and his colleagues recently presented the American Association for the Advancement of Science with research that suggests that babies who sleep alone are more susceptible to stress disorders.
Notre Dame anthropology professor and leading sleep researcher, James McKenna has long held that babies who sleep with their mothers enjoy greater immunilogical benefits from breast-feeding because they nurse twice as frequently as their counterparts who sleep alone.
In his book on Sudden Infant Death Syndrom, Pediatrician William Sears cites co-sleeping as a proactive measure parents can take to reduce the risk of this tragedy. His theory, based on McKenna's research, is that babies who sleep with parents spend less time in Level III sleep, a state of deep sleep when the risk of apneas are increased. Further, co-sleeping babies learn to imitate healthy breathing patterns from their bunkmates.
Every scientific study of infant sleep confirms that babies benefit from co-sleeping. Not one shred of evidence exists to support the widely-held notion that co-sleep is detrimental to the psychological or physical health of infants.
If science consistently provides evidence that the American social norm of isolating babies for sleep can have deleterious effects, why do we continue the 150-year crib culture in the United States? Why do parents flock to Toys R' Us to purchase dolls that have heart beats, sing lullabies, and snore when they can do the same for free?
McKenna suggests that there are several factors that maintain this cultural norm. Foremost, is the American value on self-sufficiency. Independence is an important characteristic for a successful person in our society. We take great pride in watching our babies pick themselves up by their own bootie straps. But the assumption that co-sleeping inhibits independence is pure cultural mythology. In fact, the opposite is true.
Children who share sleep with their parents are actually more independent than their peers. They perform better in school, have higher self esteem, and fewer health problems. After all, who is more likely to be well-adjusted -- the child who learns that his needs will be met, or the one who is left alone for long periods of time? McKenna suggests that it is confusing for a baby to receive cuddles during the day, while also being taught that the same behavior is inappropriate at night.
The Commons report states that when babies are left alone to cry themselves to sleep , levels of cortisol, a stress hormone are elevated. Commons suggests that the constant stimulation by cortisol in infancy causes physical changes in the brain. "It makes you more prone to the effects of stress, more prone to illness, including mental illness and makes it harder to recover from illness," he concludes.
The best-selling book on infant sleep is frighteningly misdirected and offers absolutely no scientific grounds for its thesis. Richard Ferber suggests that the best way to solve your child's "sleep problems" is to isolate them in another room, shut the door, and let them cry for ten minutes without interruption. Then parents may enter the room and verbally soothe the baby, but are warned against making physical contact with their baby. Shortly after, they are advised to leave the infant to cry for another timed interval a la "Mad About You."
Most sleep disorders are not biologically based, but rather, created by well intended parents. Making oneself available by intercom is simply not meeting the nighttime needs of an infant.
Many parents argue that they tried "Ferberizing" their baby and enjoyed great success with the technique. Indeed the infant may stop crying and learn to go to sleep on his own, but this is a short-term pay off for parents. The baby has not suddenly discovered quiet content. He is simply exhausted from his futile efforts to be nurtured. Fifteen years later, these same parents shrug their shoulders and wonder why their kids are shutting them out.
Though co-sleeping is common in most parts of the world, many American parents would not consider it because they fear it will cause them sleep deprivation. Every scientific study concludes that parents who bring their babies to bed sleep longer and better.
A few parents do experience difficulty sleeping with a baby in their bed. For them, a "sidecar" or bedside sleeper is an ideal way to meet their needs for rest and their babies' need for co-sleep. Keeping a crib or bassinet in the parents' room is another option. A "family bed" is not for everyone, but creative solutions for co-sleep are abundant in our consumer-friendly culture.>
The most common question co-sleepers are asked is about maintaining a sexual relationship with one's partner. The answer is simple. Go someplace where the baby is not. Enough said.
For those who consider unlimited access to their sexual partner more important than meeting the needs of their baby, cat ownership is a wonderful alternative to parenthood. You can just toss some Nine Lives in a bowl and frolic around the house whenever the mood hits you.
Co-sleeping is not right for everyone. Heavy drinkers and drug addicts should avoid sleeping with their babies. Of course, these folks should probably avoid parenthood altogether.
If scientific research consistently demonstrates that co-sleeping offers tremendous benefits for babies, and has no deleterious effects, it's time Americans join the rest of the world and parent our babies 24 hours a day.
Jennifer Coburn is the author of "Take Back Your Power: A Working Woman's Response to Sexual Harassment", which recently won an honorable mention from the National Women's Heritage Museum book awards and an Outstanding Book Award from the Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights in North America.
Our Little Friend
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Teething Time
Again, all new baby books. I have had to double shelf them up high with my novels as she keeps eating the corners. Yikes.
She likes to look at the pictures, but she also likes to chew them.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My first post! was registered for 10 years, and will serve as a glimpse of Claire's first year for now. My original thought was that she will eventually want her own domain name when she's older -- the Internet will never get smaller.
Maria has been doing a great job with all of her postings about the daily activities of us as a family, as well as the plethora of new experiences Claire has experienced. Being a dad has been nothing short of an amazing experience for myself. Who knew how much love you could have for your child -- it is hard to describe until you actually have one.
The best part of my day is coming home and seeing Maria and Claire waiting for me -- Claire usually with her arms outstretched with a little baby voice saying "Da-Da" as she bounces up and down. It would be hard to find another person/animal/whatever to be THAT excited that I am simply home for the day. It's a great feeling.
I will probably make a posting every now and then. I am the Great Digital Dad of Oz -- the man behind the curtain ensuring that the cameras are capturing smiles, the video recorder is creating movies, and the connectivity to the vast interwebs is always there.
Until next time.
Claire Joy Starr DOT com
Want some plants?
Claire is casting a spell on her CareBear here. I'm not sure what for, maybe to let her grow hair?
I have notice Claire using her tongue a lot more. It's pretty funny. I think she is feeling out her new teeth, which are coming in now.
Oh, SO I titled this, WANT SOME PLANTS? I'm sure you don't want the plant pictured above, but I have a bunch growing outside, that need thinned out. I have a ton of MINT, LAVENDER, CHIVES, TIGER LILLIES, and HOSTAS that you're welcome to come over and dig out. Bring a container/dirt and I'll provide you some little shovels. It's amazing that in just the 3 years we've been here, everything has taken off and grown so much!
Ok, I think we're all caught up on posting, after I suffered from severe technology withdrawl lately.Strawberry Shortcake Sweetie
She also likes to take everything off all of the shelves she can reach. Oh JOY! :)
RING! RING! RING! Claire loves her new Chatterbox phone from Brian and Vicki.
Look at how her CareBear is ready to fall off of the little table. Uh-oh!
Claire loves to dance! She loves this Blues Clues Dog. She will wiggle and dance for any music. As you can probably guess, as a child of the early 80s, I love CareBears and Strawberry Shortcake! Who of our era doesn't!?!
Tuesday, yesterday, we spent catching up on laundry, and we went on a walk with Christy and Catrece and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL early fall day! Claire lost her sippy cup, so I ended up re-walking part of the circle, but I found it! Yay!
Have you ever snooped in someone's house?
And she even had me throw away some old spices that I'd had since before we were married...that means they were about 8 years old. Yuck.
Ok, here's my half of the closet. Josh told me not to post his half. If you've seen it, you know why. Let's just say it's not as tidy and "OCD" organized like this half now is. Thank you, Kami! :)
And if you don't like my taste in clothes, please feel free to buy me some new, more fashionable ones. :) Yay.
Cousin Kami Visits a ClaireBear Cutie!
The way she "W" sits, makes my knees hurt, just looking at her, but she's pretty flexible!
She is cutting both top lateral incisors. This will make for SIX teeth when they are showing enough to come through on some pictures! This means we moved up to the "big girl" tooth brush vs. the little finger sleeve we'd been using!
Kami found this outfit for Claire! even has the tuft of hair, ears, tail, and little heart on the butt.
She's getting sooo big! She may even be able to walk by Halloween! Think she'll be ready for Trick-or-Treating?!? Oh, I just looked at the calendar. This year October 31st is on a Friday!
Claire loves puzzles. It's a great way to keep her entertained. I snagged this one at a yard sale with Vicki for only 50 cents! What a deal!
On Sunday, we hit up Circle Center Mall with Kami. We had fun! The city was crawling with Colts fans wearing Blue and White for the game. So it was a little busy, but not too bad.
Indy Zoo
She was worn out from the heat and all of the excitement!
The zoo has lots of pretty plants and flowers. The butterfly garden next door is gone for the year.
Holly, this one is for you. We shall call him TURTLESPINNING. I know, it's a tortoise. But whatever! Close enough.
This is one of the zoo babies. We got a pretty good look at this little critter.
There is a display where you can pet the sharks. They are dog sharks. They feel slippery.
We also went to see the "free" dolphin show. It was really short...maybe 15 minutes, but it was just alright. I guess after Sea World, a Midwest zoo is going to be a little bit of a let down. I do have to admit the show was much better than the one about 5 years ago we saw here.
Seahorses are pretty boring. They don't do too much. They sort of look dead.
And now for a couple zoo videos:
I went to the Indy Zoo with Kami and Claire last Saturday, Sept. 6. It was Claire's first visit to any zoo! She got a kick out of watching all the people and animals.
If you look closely at the above , you can see two baby elephants playing on the ground. There were way too many people at the zoo, though!
Jon and Kate Plus 8
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Kami came to visit and made us some awesome Buttermilk Pancakes. YUM!
MAN! I have done a lot of mall crawling and cooking/baking lately. I went to the Lighthouse Place mall in MI city with my mom, Rich, and Claire. My mom, Claire, and I also went to Southlake Mall.
Then my cousin Kami came to visit us. (I barely beat her back here ;) after being in Valpo !!! ) So on Friday we went up to the Castleton Mall, where I introduced to her to the wonderful world, that is TALL GIRL.
I love TALL GIRL. I sing TALL GIRL praises. I discovered it in high school at the Mall of America in Minnesota. I need their 36-inch inseam pants. Sounds unnatural right? About all of my jammies, robes, and slippers, AND skirts, long sweaters, and pants, have come from either the Indy or 2 Chicago stores. If you look at the racks in the front, you'll be shocked at something like $80 for a top or $99 for pants. BUT let me tell you a secret: They have a clearance room in the back. When you get sales on sales on sales, you can make out really good. I rarely like to pay more than $10 - $20 for an item of clothing for me and never buy anything full price.
AND I REALLY DON'T LIKE SHOPPING. Mostly because it's not fun to try on deparment store pants and find them to be "flood pants." See, JC Penneys carries talls, but I am not tall. I am a giant. (Actually an "Ultra" Tall...) So I was happy to find some new pants!
Then we had fun cooking up some dinner! (Or I had fun because I wasn't cooking...)
A Week at Oma and Opa's
Here is Claire with her Oma and Opa.
Aww...I love this goofy little face she makes when she's being shy.
Here is me on the back deck with Claire. I love the woods they live near, but not the mass amounts of mosquitoes, which bite you on a 2 second trip to get in the car in the driveway. Yikes.
We are going back inside now! I love this little outfit she has on!
We had a fun-filled week and did a lot of stuff. I had hardly any time to get on my lappy (Mom, that means Laptop)!
In the above video, my brother Richie is playing the piano. He has some awesome piano and keyboard talent and plays stuff without music. How awesome is he!
Claire had a lot of fun playing with Richie! She is getting to play with toys that I played with when I was little as well as a few random objects around the house.
So in addition to all these fun things, we went out to eat a few places. Claire went to my mom's office and all the ladies got to oogle over her. We stopped in at the bank to see some of my dad's friends. Claire also got to visit with her Great Auntie Lee.
On Wednesday morning, we went to the park. I met with my friend from High School, Shannon and her little boy. Claire didn't enjoy swinging so much as she did watching the other kids. I forgot to bring my camera to the park, but I think I get enough pictures elsewhere. ;)
Labor Day
Since I was planning on attending the wedding up there anyway, I decided to visit my parents for the week. We call them Oma and Opa, which is of course, German, for Grandma and Grandpa.
On Monday, we decided to hit up MI City for the Outlet Mall Stores. It was of course, crawling with people. I was happy to pick up a couple new nursing bras. (I may not be wearing "regular" ones for a long time...) On the way home, Claire got to get her very own ice cream cone for the first time. What a mess.
Oma and Opa actually have a decent set of baby stuff for Claire when we visit, which is really nice. Holly managed to snag this restaurant-style highchair for their house. I have a feeling that many more grandkids will use it!
I would have liked to shop longer at the mall, but it was way too hot. The way this mall is set up, is you go outside between the stores. And the stores weren't that cold from the a/c because they all had the doors propped open. What a waste of energy!
Sonja and Mike's Wedding
Grandpa Brian & Grandma Vicki Visit
Yay! Vicki was able to capture this on camera. This is a hilarious thing Claire does with straws. She puts it in her mouth and clamps down. It's really funny.
We have no cute little diaper pictures since Jan. when I took some "diaper baby" pictures. I am pretty happy to have gotten one of her freestanding. Of course, by the time I made it to her front, she sat down. She is standing quite frequently, and despite some recent rumors, she is not walking. She usually takes 1-2 steps/day for the past week, with the recent record being three, as of yesterday, but no real walking alone. She walks with the walker, as I have recently posted.
I made this for Brian's late August birthday and Claire's 1-1-1-1 birthday. Not the greatest, but it tasted yummy!
Claire enjoyed getting many birthday presents from Brian and Vicki, including this table and doggie, which plays music and talks. She loves it!
Rock Band! Vicki is singing. Brian is playing the guitar and Josh is drumming.
Here is Claire with Brian and Josh. I love this ginormous plastic bibs with pockets. They make clean-up super-easy! They stayed until last Monday morning (Sept. 1), but I had to head to NW Indiana on Sun. (with Claire, of course) for a friends wedding. Either we have nothing going on or multiple things!