Friday, July 25, 2008

12 month Doctor Visit

Claire is crawling around like a fast little mouse! Better watch out cause she sure can zip across the room!

Claire likes to play with this plastic play food piece of cheese. It looks pretty real, but I think that's because the cheese that looks like this is pretty plastic looking anyway!

Josh is playing with Claire at her play kitchen. I scored this Barbie Kitchen for $5 at a yard sale. That's right. FIVE BUCKS! I was pretty excited. At another garage sale, I got a big bin of plastic food toys for $3. What deals! She can pull up on her kitchen and likes to bang on it and open and shut the doors.

Claire is going to cook dinner. She is frying up her Raggedy Ann Doll and her Sun chew toy. Yum! This should be tasty! I love this outfit and particularly the hat! :)

Claire had her 12 month Dr. check-up. She is 31 1/2 inches which is in the 97th percentile, her head is 18 1/2 which is in the 92nd percentile, and her weight is 23.15, which is at the 90th percentile. So she is very proportionate, but the Doctor said it's normal to only gain a little since they are more mobile towards a year. (She only gained 5 ounces since her 9 month check-up). She said she's not too concerned about her weight yet, but we need to watch it because last time her height/weight were both above 100% and exactly the same. So she's gotten longer, but not much heavier. Whatever. She's perfect. What does the doctor say to people below the 90th percentile? Because that's pretty big! I don't want her to be a six foot giant like me, normal would be nice. :) And easier to find pants that are long enough...

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