Thursday, July 31, 2008

Here Fishy Fishy!

Claire likes to swim. Josh got her this little backyard above ground pool for her birthday.

I think she is part fish! She has always loved the bath tub. I hope she didn't get her ear infections from the pool...but she was also at the Dr. last week, and she could've picked up something while we were there!

Claire is very good at waving now and loves to wave to everyone wherever we go. It's so adorable!

Today we had a busy day! Claire was feeling much better after getting a regular nights sleep last night! This morning we went to the pool store to get more chlorine tablets for the pool. We also tried to find some bigger jammies at Peebles, but as usual, their selection sucked.

So after coming home for lunch and a nap, we headed up to the north side. We found some new jammies at Old Navy and the Carter's Outlet by the Fashion Mall. Then we hit up Trader Joe's. We got some dark Spaten beer for Daddy. They have a lot of "unique" food items that are hard to find anywhere else. My favorite is the 4 cheese frozen pizzas they have as they taste very authentic to what I actually have eaten in Italy. Yum.

So now she's sleeping as we have another busy day planned tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Claire is feeling better. I love water baby pictures! She's so cute.