Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Poor Little Panda

Here you can see Claire's 2 top front teeth really good. I still haven't gotten a picture of her bottom 2. Her lip covers them up, so it's hard to get a picture of them! She is getting way too long for her changing table! I wish the ends were more open.

Here you can see how bright red her cheeks are! Last night when I nursed her about midnight she felt really hot. So I took her temp. and it was 102! Yikes!!!

So we gave her some Children's Motrin and went back to sleep. Then today she was still cranky and clingy. I knew she didn't feel good. So we went to the doctor. Poor little Panda Claire has inner ear infections in both ears, as well as a post nasal drip. Uh-oh. I thought her cheeks were just dry, so I had slathered them up with clear A & D. So the doctor gave her a script for amoxicillian.

When I picked it up from Walgreens, I pulled the paper bag out of the little delivery shoot thing, and everything spilled on the ground. Oh joy. Sooo I was too close to open my door. I had to pull all the way forward to get the 2 bottles and medicine spoon. I tried giving it to her with the spoon they gave me. BAD IDEA. It went everywhere. So then this evening we gave it to her with a medicine syringe, which worked much better.

So hopefully we'll all sleep better tonight...and she only pooped 3 times today. ALTHOUGH, one was big enough to leak out the leg of the Pampers, which hasn't happened for a LONG TIME. She had about 1/2 container #1 pears for breakfast and for dinner, Daddy was able to feed her about 1/4 of a YoBaby Yogurt. So better than nothing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor lil girl. Get better soon little Claire!