Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Food in the Hair!

At the start of this above one she says No, No, No.

So I hoped you enjoyed these two videos. Claire isn't a huge fan of solid food. The only time she will sometimes eat is self-feeding little chunks of something. As far as words go, Claire can say: Mama, Mommy, Mom, Dada, Daddy, Dad, Baby, a Baby, Bear, Ball, Bobbi (her Carebear, which I think she was trying to call baby, but the name has stuck), Dog, Bow-wow.

At the store a few weeks ago she was saying bow and pointing at a big bow on a sales item and the clerk goes, she knows bow? I think that was just a fluke...but maybe? She uses all the words for me and Josh interchangeably, but I guess we do that too. She is also very good at saying NO. Do you want some food: no. :( What happened to signing for more?

1 comment:

Turtlespinning said...

In the second video you ask her where she got the book from and it sounds like she says "right there". Listen to it again.