Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Josh!

And Happy Birthday, Dear Josh! I always tease you about liking older women since I am one day older than you! You are a great Daddy to Claire! She loves it when you come home from work every day and always asks about you several times during the day. "Daddy Home Elmo Happy?" She can't wait to see you! I'm and sure it's more than just her wanting you to turn on her Happy Elmo music video that I'm incapable of turning on... :) Hehe. You are a great Daddy, wonderful husband, and I can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with you! Thank you for working hard and being so incredibly motivated. I am glad that your infini bidness is doing so well and who knows...maybe you can be a stay-at-home-dad soon like Jon from Jon and Kate Plus 8 Haha. Yes, I do watch that show.

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