Monday, March 2, 2009

19 months already!

Here is the first video footage of Claire at 19 months! She got her shots earlier the morning this was taken. She has always done amazing at her shot appointments, just crying while getting stabbed with the needles and settling as soon as I stand back up with her and tell her it's all done! We had a really busy time at the Health Dept. I asked if it was their busiest time or something? The lady laughed at me and said, if you think this is bad, don't come in August. Why August? Kids getting shots needed to start school, and especially Kindergartners that have been put off. We were a little late getting her 18 month shots done, but I guess that happens as each appointment you wait a few days more to make the appointment...So I was thinking about this and wondering if private schools require all the same shot stuff as to the public schools??????????

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