Thursday, March 12, 2009

Feeling Nostalgic Today!

Ok, I don't know why, but I feel like I can never be done about going on and on about nursing. I made a previous post a LONG time ago about Magical Mama's Milk, etc...but ANYWAY...I have heard before that people say they didn't know what their life was about before they had kids, and that is so true. I didn't know what love was before Claire. It's absolutely indescribable how much I love little Claire. I would die for her in a heartbeat. Like if she were in danger, etc. NOW I KNOW why when I was teaching parents would ask me if I had kids. I wish for everyone who wants to experience parenthood to have a child. I think, sadly, though that some people I used to teach with were "ruined" in a way and don't want to have kids because teaching "burned them out" and made them not want to have kids. But trust me, having your own kid is SOOOO different. SO DIFFERENT. And I think my dad said it best in "If you wait for the perfect time to get married or the perfect time to have kids, it won't happen." So I'm thinking that's pretty true for having a second kid. Because thinking about having another kid (and no I'm not pregnant) is a little more intimidating than the first because you know it's a 24/7/365 kind of job, with NO paid overtime or vacation breaks. Oh, and no sick days. I was pretty stupid before kids. I thought...what the HECK is so bad about waking up at night. I thought it was bad when I was prego and had to wake up at night 5 times to pee. Well, you wake up on your own between your own sleep cycles, pee, and go right back to sleep. It's a little different when you have to get your baby back to sleep whenever she wakes up. Definitely could never have her crying. I work so hard to keep her from crying, I don't want to "let" her cry at night. That just seems so eternally-to-the-core-wrong for me to do. It might work for some people, but not me! I think Claire and I still rely on each other for a lot. And I was going add that I worked so hard to get started, I don't want to give it up just yet! :) I recently read an interesting article about how HUMANS are like the only species that wean their young before they can forage for themselves. Haha. Claire can forage in an open refrigerator, but not very well. She might grab a jar of pickles while I have the door open and run away in sheer delight. She'll sit down, pat the jar, and laugh like she just got a special prize. Have at it--if that's what make you happy, Miss Claire! Alright. I need to go to bed. Night night!

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