Thursday, July 23, 2009


We just went to VA Beach to visit my sister Holly and her hubbie Mark. Plus I wanted to see their cute place all decorated! Just Claire and I flew out there for about a week. Check out the pictures on Facebook I posted while we were out there. I am not re-uploading them because I'm lazy. :) So if you're not my friend on Facebook, then friend me! We had a blast! Claire did super-great on both flights to and from and at the airports (layovers both ways!)!

Since we've been back we have been to her 2 year-old well-check. She was 29 lbs. (It was actually bouncing from 27-29 and then the nurse said...well I saw 29!) That is about the 70th percentile. She is 36 inches tall. That's 3 feet! That's as tall as a yardstick! And for the height she is about the 95th percentile. I don't remember her head measurements, but it was fine. She's back to growing on her own curve well. We don't have to return until she is THREE! WOW! We also went to the Health Department and got her lead check to see if she has any lead poisoning (a standard test). Last time at 12 months, her level was 1 which is the lowest it can be. 10 indicates lead poisoning. So unless she has been chewing on some wacky toy with lead in it she should be fine. Results take a few weeks.

This morning we went to her last Mother Goose Story time. It was a little bit sad when they sang the good-bye song. The next session that starts up she will be with the Toddler Group! It was fun to see her doing all the motions to the "Wheels on the Bus" and "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" every week. I am excited about her being the "littlest" kid in the next age group again, because that's fun too! :) And of course after story time we play at the library. She loves the block table and the little wooden play house. It has real cloth curtains that she likes to play peek-a-boo with.

Well I can't believe that she's two! And I can't believe that I'm still nursing a 2 year old! Those first several weeks I didn't think I'd last another minute!

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