Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Crap Bomb Mayhem...

She looks so sweet and innocent playing with her shoes. (Who needs toys when you have fun and interesting shoes to investigate!?)

"Houston, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Note the Pampers has leaked up the back and gotten poop everywhere. Yuck.

So then I strip her down, and put her in her new cloth diaper that I've been using for about a week. I thought they weren't so bad. I'd wait until after her morning poo. Then she'd just pee in the diapers and pee cloth diapers aren't so bad to wash. So here you see Claire below, still playing with her shoes. I was trying to get a good picture of her in her FuzzyBuns Diaper, but her eyes are shut. Oh well. I may never put her in another cloth diaper after what you see below.

AS I WAS TAKING THIS PICTURE....she pooped again. I guess she wasn't done. Oops. As you can see next to her size 5 Nike (which I scored at a yard sale for $1), the "leak" was not little.
Now, I've had Pampers leak out the leg, but NEVER EVER IN MY LIFE, this bad. EVER. You can see it leaked out the leg and got all over the carpet and the outside of the diaper. Wow. SO. NOT. WHERE. I. WANT. IT. TO. BE!

I will only ever use Pampers or Huggies disposables because everything else is just cheap and leaks for us. I am not too happy on spending $15+ on 2 cloth diapers to try them out and have this happen. Note she is in the bathtub in the above picture with the diaper still on. Sadly, Josh was at work and couldn't help me. (I'm sure he was sad. LOL!)

So first, I had to spray all the poo down the drain, then I gave her a regular bath. She loves her Nemo fishy and using her hair-rinse cup to pour water. (Please no comments on how she doesn't have any hair to wash :) LOL! ) You can actually see it better when her hair is wet.

I know she's getting bored when she tries to climb out of the tub. I fear the day that she actually is able to throw her leg over the edge and falls flat on her face or does some crazy splits...

I try to get her to sit down while the tub drains. She reaches for the washcloth bar and pulls up to bang on the other side. It makes a lovely noise!

Claire blows you an online kissy! She's all clean and fresh. FOR NOW! I felt all inspired to use the cloth diapers today after attending the East LLL group. So that was my shitty afternoon after we got home. ;) Pun intended.


Patty said...

Oh Maria!!! Unfortunately, you have to do trial and error a bit with the diapers...I think I tried 5 types and ended up with different ones for each of my girls...I LOVE that you posted it! Clair is soooo cute!! And I love her laugh, I can almost hear it in some of the pics!!

theredplayroom said...

I do NOT miss breastmilk poops. Girly eats like a cow, so they haven't been around for some time even though she still nurses... like a cow. I thought food poops would be worse because of the smell, but they are better because no blow-outs!!! I can barely handle our laundry as things are, so no cloth here and I feel guilty about it.