Friday, August 8, 2008

Pretty in Pink

I enjoy taking lots of pictures, and I am pleasantly surprised I was able to capture a few of Claire's face. It's harder when she can go crawl away!

I would say 99.9% of her outfits are pink. But that's how it should be for a little baldy, right! Otherwise they think she's a boy!

Can you just hear her laughing in this one. Just play some Peek-A-Boo with a blankie to get her going!

Isn't this a cute dress? Claire got it for her Bday from the Thomas.

This morning we went to the Broad Ripple LLL, which is always fun. We went with Christy and Catrece. Unfortunately, Claire smacked Catrece after giving her 3 kisses. I felt pretty bad. Now, if I could just teach her to be gentle... all the time :( She smacks me and Josh once in awhile but it's pretty different with a baby half her size!

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