Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We have Miss Fishy-face!

Well, Claire has added a few new signs to her vocab. In the past month she's started to do cookie and butterfly as well as again and tree. She has started to say "neigh" for a horse. And she has discerned the fishy lips from kissing! I'd like to take the credit for this by reading her at least 42 times on the way to and from WI recently. It may have been more than 42. I decided not to count. If I started to read something else, she'd get mad! I now have this book memorized. Ask me to recite it if you would like a performance. It has a page that says "T is for Trout...etc" SO I think by this book as well as seeing them at the library and doctors offices recently somewhere it clicked. But what's cool is that I actually got her doing it in the highchair where she INITIATED it, and we hadn't read any fish books that morning! So she gets it and isn't just imitating this one anymore like I thought she had been doing the past couple weeks.

She can also say "cheese" as you see below. She also has started to say pretty, kitty, tree, and door. She will sometimes say "thank you" when you hand her something.

She really liked the tuna noodle dish! Maybe that's because I tried to eat tuna once a week while preggers?

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