Thursday, December 11, 2008

Busy Day!

This morning we had our last story time before Xmas Break! We also played at the library play area before and after! Claire loves all their puzzles and little chairs they have! We don't have Story time again until 2009!

Then this afternoon we had a weight check with Dr. H. She weighs 24.1 which is only 1 ounce more than the last time we saw him a week after Dr. W labeled her as FTT for weighing less at 15 months than she did at 9 months. She should be gaining on her own chart. So I'm glad she gained at least an least she didn't lose anything! I saw a Family Practice Doctor for her weight a couple weeks ago as well. He was alright, but I think we'll go back to Dr. W or H in the future. I like the aspect of Pediatricians specializing in children...what's the real difference between a pediatrician and a Family Practice doctor?

Some kids don't even take their kids to well-child check-ups, but I guess as first time mom, I still am! :) I don't even know about trying to get her to fatten up...I just want to get her to eat for me. She eats decently for other people (Josh, my Mom, crackers while running around the library ;) hehe!) but when it's just me and is a battle! They'd like to see her up to 25 lbs at her 18 month appt. which is in about 6 weeks. (Wait! Didn't she just turn 15 months 6 weeks ago!)

It seems like there are A LOT of breastfed babies that have fallen off the charts somewhere after 6-12 months. Or they are low...but a lot of people I talk to ... their kids aren't even on them. So when I say Claire got FTT at 60% for her weight they are a little confused. Anyway First Steps is coming to our house Monday afternoon so I think that will start to ease my concerns more. She ate pretty well all morning. I was trying to fatten her up for her appointment this afternoon! (As I've been doing the past 6 weeks!)

Then this evening we went to the local Hospital Breastfeeding Support Group/aka Social Hour and feasted on some awesome Pumpkin Brownies! YUMMERS!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Have you tried feeding her before you nurse her? Maybe she's filling up on milk and not eating because she's full of milk.

Alternatively, have you tried nursing her before you feed her? Breastmilk is more calorically dense than most baby foods. Maybe if you nursed first, then fed her, she'd fill up on milk, and not on food, which has fewer calories.

Honestly, I've gotten both of these answers from "experts" when concerned about my Claire's weight.

I think she's fine. She's just naturally deviating toward the mean (average - 50%). Why don't you keep a food journal for her for a week or so, then take that to the doc and see what he thinks?
