Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So I did this for FB, but put it here for those not yet to discover the coolness that is Facebook. Ooo, are you missing out!

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. I hate these types of things. Survey Hurricane FTW! And I think FB was a lot cooler before it was open to EVERYONE.

2. I love sprouts and chocolate, but not together.

3. I hope I remember to tag everyone who first tagged me on this thing.

4. I LOVE making videos of Claire and uploading them to

5. I hate dogs. Why does everyone I know have to have one?

6. Being a mother is definitely the hardest, but also the most rewarding job I’ve ever had, and would like to have at least 2 more babies, but no, this is NOT an announcement of ANY kind!

7. I usually come up with more to say than there is room for on these things.

8. I only have a cell phone (no landline). I hated having one ringing when I was on the other. YIKES!

9. I love sleep. Claire has never slept more than 6 hours without waking up crying. That means I’ve never had more than 6 hours uninterrupted for the past 18 ½ months, and I’m OK with that because we *gasp* bedshare!

10. I don’t believe in CIO (letting babies/toddlers cry-it-out) for anything. Nobody would let a baby wail alone in a shopping cart in the grocery store...why is ok to do at home in a crib?

11. I believe in promoting breastfeeding and will talk about it with anyone interested (aka: other mommies (and mommies-to-be!)!!!!)

12. I am still nursing Claire at 18.5 months, and I *plan* on letting her self-wean even if she is 3 or 4.

13. I started EC with Claire at 8 months, and that is the first time she pooed/tinkled on the potty.

14. My life revolves around Claire. She is my world and my heart and soul. She is like my little heart that runs around outside of my body. Unless one is a parent, I don’t think somebody can truly know what it is to love so deeply. Even when I was preggers, it wasn’t the same, it was just a little bit of love, now it’s a ton.

15. I realize how my life has completely changed since Claire has been born and have the deepest of sympathies for those never able to have a child to call their own. L

16. I think abortion is incredibly wrong and don’t know how a doctor could perform one (unless the mother’s life is in danger).

17. I have been to 30 countries and have done a summer abroad and a year abroad in Germany (all on scholarships!).

18. I went to college for free on an academic scholarship since I graduated from HS with honors. Then I graduated from college magna cum laude while working 40/hrs week.

19. I completely enjoy being a full-time mom, and think our profession is sadly looked down upon. Who didn’t enjoy having their mom at home when they came home from school?

20. I love to read, write, blog, and scrapbook, as well as talk on the phone!

21. I hate cleaning because I hate dirt, but have to clean more than I used to because of...CLAIRE!

22. I LOVE meeting up with other moms and do so almost daily at various functions through church, Moms Club, LLL, neighbors, or other friends.

23. I talk to someone from my immediate family almost daily on my cell.

24. I would love to write the next great American Novel. ..but about what? I have submitted a few things to magazines, etc, but have yet to be published.

25. I have about 5 of Claire’s current favorite books memorized ... Goodnight Moon, Alligator Alphabet, No More Diapers for Ducky, Where’s Elmo, & Peek-A-Boo Puppy. Really. Call me in the car, and I will “read” to you. And this doesn’t count books that I already knew like songs “5 Little Ducks,” “Down by the Bay,” “Twinkle, Twinkle”...Etc...


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