Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mama, Baby, Up!

Today Claire said her first three-word phrase: "Mama, Baby, UP!" I was carrying her, and she saw her baby doll. She wanted me to pick it up and give it to her. Every day since about Christmas she has said something that has amazed me. She is saying all kinds of 2-word phrases. The funniest one has to be "Dada pee!" Josh comes home from work and goes into the bathroom. She hits the door while he's in there and says "Dada pee!" She is saying "UP" all the time for if I'm not holding her comfortably and wants me to adjust her, if she wants to get UP in the morning, and for when she wants out of her high-chair/carseat/etc. She has really figured out all sorts of useful ways to use this "UP" word! I have more words to post, so look for that soon.

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