Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Claire's Calculator

Ok, so if you don't normally view the blog online and you're just in your feed-reader, you need to view online! I have a really cute new background. Yay! Also, I want to tell you about Claire's new lovey. It's not her bear or doll or little books that she loves too, but it's her "calc." She LOVES her calculator. I don't know why. But it's really funny to see her talk on it. It's about the size and shape of my blackberry and has buttons to press that change the screen. The best part...it doesn't make any noise. YAY! But, I've been ticked lately because random adults seem to think it's not hers. AND THEY TRY TO TAKE IT FROM HER. What the heck! You can see the calculator in the picture at the top of the page now. The first person that tried to take it from her was when we got church pictures taken. The lady was like, "What do you mean, that's hers? We have one just like it." I was like, "Um, see the back has our name on it." GRR! I hate how she seemed to jump to the conclusion that I let her grab one off of one of their tables to play with. I have to post the rest later. I need to go to bed!

1 comment:

Joshua Starr said...

She's only 19.5 months, and won't go anywhere without the calculator, one of daddy's favorite gadgets as a boy. It is so cool that she likes it so much! Amazing picture of her in the header -- Claire smiling, knocking on the door, calculator in hand, Geek doormat. It simply can't get better than that :) Woot!