Thursday, April 9, 2009

Beware of photo offers

Ok, my last post before going to do stuff to get ready for the weekend...I was just at K-Mart, where I never go, but I had to exchange some too small new shoes for Claire that were an Easter gift. So I was walking around the baby dept. This old lady came up to me and starting trying to sell me a photo package. She said it was only $12. Good for 1 year, and up to 15 poses. I said, "What's the catch." She said, "No catch." Well as I continued to look around the racks and chase Claire down the aisles, she kept following me. ARGH. I almost wanted to say I will just give you 12 dollars to leave me alone!! Well there is a catch so beware. They don't let you pick the pose that you get. So even though you get all these pictures for 12 bucks, they are not the ones that you want.

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