Friday, September 25, 2009

World Breastfeeding Picnic Celebration

On Sunday, Claire and I invited some boobie baby friends and their mommies over for a picnic to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week (a tad late, I know!)

Claire had fun with her friends and got to go to Amelia's 2nd birthday party the same day! It was a busy day! As you can see in the picture, she was pretty much done for the evening. :( She had a short nap on Sunday and was ready for bed at about 7!

Does this mean Claire still nurses even though I'm pregnant...oh yes! I am already tandeming! She is really down to morning, nap, and bed, and if she gets hurt. Sometimes if she falls asleep in the stroller or carseat, she has even done without her naptime session. I'm glad to be able to continue to provide her with this style of mothering and plan on letting her continue until she self weans because she obviously already is weaning if you consider how many times she nursed as a's a gradual process.

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