Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Poop Soup

Ok, this video is not for anybody without a kid. I WARNED YOU. If you don't want to look at the still of this, then don't watch the video and YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COMPLAIN. K, so if you don't want to watch, then don't. SO WITH THAT SAID...I still think this is funny and this was from when she was like 11 months old. I learned about EC when she was about 8 months old, and do it part-time like when at home.

Why is this funny? I don't know. Maybe I need to get out more often...but really...moms need to laugh about this kind of stuff because it keeps life interesting. And no, I don't have too much time on my hands to be blogging, I would just rather be writing than sitting on my ass watching TV sometimes ;) LOL! And the videos/pictures don't take that much time because I do them as I am living life anyway. And our computers are so fast that this stuff uploads before I can blink. After being on my parents' computer this weekend, I know why they think I spend a lot of time uploading and doing stuff. :) GET A NEW ONE.

When Claire poops in the potty, it's great because 1. it saves a diaper and 2. it saves me from having to wipe her really good...it's much faster and quicker when she's seated on the potty as you can surely imagine!

1 comment:

theredplayroom said...

Maria, Ari has a little potty that fits on the seat to the big potty. So poop goes DIRECTLY into the big potty. It's heaven. No cleaning dirty potties! I highly recommend it. :)

Video was hilarious.