Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ban The Bags

We need to get formula bags banned. It's like passing out free cigarettes. Both pose health risks. Formula is a medical intervention when needed, but most using it do not realize this. Check out this detailed post on formula bags and samples: http://www.phdinparenting.com/2009/05/04/sabotage/

I've actually spoken to our lactation consultant about the formula bag I got at the hospital where Claire was born. It was a breastfeeding bag that of course came with some formula samples and the brand ... one of the big ones plastered all over the "bottles" for milk storage. I asked her if she knew that it was against the World Health Organization to distribute such a bag. She knew. She said she can't really do anything about it. Geez. If the lactation consultant at a small-town hospital has no say in what HER breastfeeding patients get, I don't know what they are thinking...here, take this bag, feed your baby formula so it gets sicker and has more health issues, and come back soon!

No, it's about everyone's bottom line. I'm sure they get kick-backs and wined and dined for giving out Brand 1 instead of another. Sad. I wonder if they give out free bacon on the cardiac wings or cigarette coupons at the Commit to Quit Smoking Meetings???

I saw this great quote today:

Formula feeding is the longest lasting uncontrolled experiment lacking informed
consent in the history of medicine. - Frank Oski, MD Chair, Department of
Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University, 1985-1996 Founding Editor,
Contemporary Pediatrics.

Is early weaning to cow's breast milk any different?

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